Architects in the Community

Written by AIA Detroit President, Bob Hoida

Perhaps the AIA says it best in this quote from their CITIZEN ARCHITECT page:
The Citizen Architect uses his/her insights, talents, training, and experience to contribute meaningfully, beyond self, to the improvement of the community and human condition. The Citizen Architect stays informed on local, state, and federal issues, and makes time for service to the community. The Citizen Architect advocates for higher living standards, the creation of a sustainable environment, quality of life, and the greater good. The Citizen Architect seeks to advocate for the broader purposes of architecture through civic activism, writing and publishing, by gaining appointment to boards and commissions, and through elective office at all levels of government.

Sometimes that talent comes at a basic level. On Friday, August 5, seventy-five AIA Detroit members participated in the fifth day of the Life Remodeled in the Denby neighborhood on the east side of Detroit.  For six years, the non-profit organization Life Remodeled has focused on a particular neighborhood and sought to build a spirit in that neighborhood that indicates things can and will improve.  AIA Detroit has supported Life Remodeled for a few years, but this is the first time that the chapter has participated in Volunteer Week. Volunteer week is a week of improvements and blight removal.  Hands on, get dirty, help promote hope, and show that the community cares about a neighborhood in need.

Perhaps this video give you a sense of why.

I hope everyone who participated in the efforts outlined below truly feel like they made a difference.

Volunteers removed brush, cleared trees and debris, mowed lawns and generally cleaned up an area around a closed school and several vacant lots.  You could see the  difference a day made.

Our thanks to Dan Pierce and Morley Stevenson, who represented Hobbs+Black and gave up their afternoon to lend a hand!

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