Kent county road commission Central Complex

Kent County Road Commission (KCRC) is the second largest road commission in Michigan, serving 21 townships and more than 635,000 residents. KCRC purchased a 29-acre parcel in the Walker View Industrial Park to build a new headquarters as well as a garage/storage building. They had outgrown their Central Complex facility, built in 1924, and had no room to expand.

We were chosen to provide architecture services for the development. The new Main Central Complex consists of a: 25,000-square-foot administration office building, 135,000-square-foot vehicle parking & maintenance garage, a 6,000-ton salt barn, a 5,500-square-foot vehicle wash building, an 18,500-square-foot storage building, and a fueling station with canopy. Additionally, we completed all associated site development for the new operations complex, including all geo-tech and franchise utility coordination.